

UI UX Designer and Illustrator from Indonesia

Hi, I’m Salim, currently working as a UI UX Designer in Telkomsel Enterprise. A profesional in design industry for 7+ years and a passionate educator who shares about design and freelancing

A few brands I’ve worked with

Case Studies

This case studies about some of my exploration from my past design work in UI UX and illustration with details of the process and research

B2B Illustration System

Creating illustration system for Telkomsel MyEnterprise

B2B Illustration System

Creating illustration system for Telkomsel MyEnterprise

B2B Illustration System

Creating illustration system for Telkomsel MyEnterprise

B2B Illustration System

Creating illustration system for Telkomsel MyEnterprise

Case Studies

This case studies about some of my exploration from my past design work about UI UX and illustration with details of the process and research